Learn how to add additional costs and important settlement information to your holds
*Note: You'll need to make sure you have Added an Artist to your hold before you will be able to access the Hospitality, Rider & Tech Info icon!
Hospitality Info & Rider
- When viewing your hold, scroll down to the artist section and click on the utensils icon to open the hospitality rider.
- A window will pop up from the right side where you can either type or paste in info, or upload a document.
- Save your edits by clicking the "Save" button in the top right before moving on.
Tech/Production Info
- Type or paste in text, or upload a tech rider directly to your hold or event.
- When viewing your hold or event, scroll down to the artist section and click on the microphone icon to open the tech rider.
- A window will pop up from the right side where you can either type or paste in info, or upload a document.
- The event's production timeline and supplemental information can be entered as well. All information is editable in case it changes as the show comes closer.
- Save your edits by clicking the "Save" button in the top right before moving on.
Ready to Confirm your Hold? Learn how:
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