Create & Manage Calendar Holds using the VenuePilot Calendar Tool

Use the VenuePilot calendar tool to add & confirm holds, the first step to kicking off your event builds.

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Quick Tips:

  • Filter your holds by status or room in the top left hand corner!

Create a calendar hold

There are a few different ways you can create a calendar hold:

  1. Click the “+” icon in the right-hand corner of the calendar screen. 
    1. Here, you will enter your event name, select the venue, and choose your hold.
    2. You can additonal days to your hold by clicking the small “+” icon.
    3. Once you are done, click "Place Holds".
  2. You can also place a hold on a specific day by clicking on the date first, and then selecting the “+” icon
  3. Want quickly to hold multiple days / weeks?
    1. Hold your CTRL key & click / drag to select and place a hold over multiple days simultaneously.
    2. Holds will be automatically numbered based on availability and existing holds. You can manually edit the number by managing the calendar hold. 

Edit a calendar hold

When you navigate back to your calendar you will see your holds. If you hover over a hold, any other dates associated with that hold will be highlighted as well

  • To EDIT a hold, click on any one of the hold dates. 

Confirm a calendar hold

Once your event has a confirmed date, you can easily confirm one from your calendar holds.

  • Click on the hold you would like to confirm and fill out the four fields in the hold information: 
    • Doors, Show, Curfew, Min Age. 
    • Next, click the checkmark to confirm your hold.

confirm hold

Delete a Calendar Hold

  • Click on the hold you would like to delete
  • Next, on the right side of the hold module, you will see a pencil icon.
  • Click this to edit your hold.
  • After clicking the pencil icon, you will see a trash can icon appear. Click the trash can to delete this hold date
  • Select from the module if you want to delete ONLY this specific date from the hold, or all other dates associated with the hold as well
  •  Follow the buttons to delete the desired holds.


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