Create Comp / Free Admission Tickets

There are two ways to create a comp ticket in VenuePilot, either online or in the box office

Create a comp ticket accessible online

  • Navigate to events in the top menu, and click into the event name where you would like to add your comp tickets.

  • Scroll to the TICKETS section of the event and click the pencil icon✏️ next to the ticket you want to comp.

  • Inside your ticket type, ensure that under Selling Platform you have ONLINE checked

🔎Quick Tip: The fastest way to find the term "Selling Platform"?  Simply press CTRL + F on your keyboard to open a search box.

  • To create your discount, scroll to the bottom of the edit ticket page & select “ADD ONE” under the DISCOUNTS section.

  • This will bring up a pop-up window to enter the discount information.
  • Leave your code selected to Standard and enter in a Discount Code
  • Inside AMOUNT create a 100% discount.
  • Make sure that the “unlimited” option is disabled, otherwise it could be shared and used multiple times.
  • Write the desired number of uses (number of orders allowed to use the code), add an expiration date if needed and click the pink “SAVE” button at the bottom
  • Dont forget to also click SAVE on your ticket type before navigating away!


Create a comp ticket accessible at the box office

  • Scroll to the TICKETS section of the event and click the Pink + Sign button or the Add Ticket link

  • Keep the ticket price at $0 and move the “start sales” date to a future date 
  • Under Selling Platform, ensure that BOX OFFICE is checked


  • Give your ticket a Name & Add a Quanity
  • Remember to click save in the top right before navigating away!

Click here to see how to sell and scan a ticket using the box office app.


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