Canceled Event Report

If an event has changes, such as a new date or different talent, it may be necessary to process refunds for tickets. This report will assist you in reconciling and refunding tickets and orders.

Canceled Event Report

⛔Still need to cancel your event?

You can view our  "I Need to Cancel an Event" knowledge base article
  • Navigate to your CALENDAR TAB and adjust the STATUS FILTER in the top left next to the 🔍
  • Remove all other statuses besides CANCELLED

  • Click into the canceled hold for which you would like to see a report. 
  • Inside the hold, you will now see an option for "View Cancelation Report."

  • Here, you will find a list with the names and emails for everybody who purchased a ticket. 

  • You can also access this report via the REPORTS TAB across the top of your screen and choosing By Event Cancellation from the sub-menu.
  • You will be taken to a calendar where you can fill in the date range to find your canceled event.

cancellation report


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