Templates: Save Time by Saving Event Builds & Budgets

Have a common ticket price, capacity or deal? Use templates to build events and budgets in one click.


1. Build an Event or Choose an Existing Event

To create your template, first create an event. Alternatively, you can use an existing event that follows the template you’re creating. Add the ticket price and allocation that you wish to use for the template. You can also add any presales, discounts, seating charts, or ticket buckets if applicable. 

2. (Optional) Create a Budget Sheet

To create your first budget, click out of the ticket page to the event and scroll to the bottom of the page where it says “Budget.” Since you already created the tickets, any section of the budget sheet regarding tickets will automatically populate. From here, you can input any other income, concessions sales, and any expenses. This step isn’t necessary, but is good to include if you have consistent projected bar sales, hospitality costs, or any other usual sales/expenses.

3. Save Everything as a Template

Now that you have all the details for your template filled out, click on the “use template” text in the budget section. You can find this section when you click into your hold from the calendar and scroll down.


From here, click on “Save entries as template → Save entries as template” in the dropdown. Enter the template name and hit “Save.” You can now use this template for future events.


Note: using this template for any events will overwrite any existing tickets and seating charts included in that event.


 If you wish to create a template for just a budget sheet, skip the step of creating a ticket.


The next time you create a new event, you’ll be able to easily input this template into the budget sheet. Templates will only be saved to its specific venue, not your entire organization.

If you have any further questions about templates, please reach out to Client Support at clientsupport@venuepilot.co