Set up Credit Card Payments through Stripe

To sell ticketed events and receive payouts from VenuePilot, you’ll need to connect to our payment processor, Stripe.

After you have created your first event on VenuePilot, you will see a notice appear at the top of your page. Clicking the 'Connect with Stripe' link will lead you to a Stripe page. There you can authorize syncing VenuePilot with an existing account, or create a new Stripe account. 


Once you are connected to Stripe for the first time, you are ready to receive payouts for all future events.  You will not have to sync again for new events going forward!

Want to connect before building an event? You can also go to Settings > Integrations.


Next to Stripe - click the CONNECT Link. There you can authorize syncing VenuePilot with an existing account, or create a new Stripe account.


    If you have any further questions about creating and publishing an event, please reach out to Client Support at