Integrate Google Analytics with your VenuePilot Account

Google Analytics lets you measure your advertising ROI and give you insight to the people who view your website.

Getting Started with Google Analytics

Integrating the Google Analytics widget with your VenuePilot account allows you to track customer actions and improve your return on interest. Before you can set up the integration, go into your Google Analytics account and find your "Google Analytics/Ads ID" as well as your 'Google Ads Pixel Conversion Label'. To find your Google Analytics ID, sign into your Google Analytics account, then click on the gear icon for "Admin". Under your "property" click "data streams" and then select the website you'd like to link. Your Analytics ID is listed under 'Measurement ID'.

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To find your Google Ads Pixel Conversion Label, first log in to Google Ads. Go to "tools" then "conversions". Select the conversion action you want to work with and click "Tag Setup". Click install the tag yourself. This will pull up the Event Snippet Section containing lines of code. Scroll through the code until you find the line:


The number after AW is your conversion ID and the number after the / is your conversion label.


Integrating with VenuePilot

Once you find this number, go into the VenuePilot backend under Settings --> Integrations and click on "Connect" next to the Google Tracking integration:

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Enter the Pixel ID you copied from Facebook and click on "Save":

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Syncing with Google Analytics will automatically send "customer actions" data from VenuePilot directly to your Google account.

To learn how to access demographic data from your Google Analytics account here's a helpful article

If you have any further questions about your Google Analytics integration, please reach out to Client Support at