Use our easy-to-use code to copy and paste a checkout for your event directly onto a website.
At the top of the event view page, click the link below embed order.
Copy and paste the code into your website to add embedded checkout for this event.
Some website hosting companies block custom javascript.
Adding Embed Code to Squarespace
To add embedded checkout using Squarespace you will need to add a Code Block. Edit your page, click Add Block or an insert point, then click Code. Paste the VenuePilot embed code in the text field. Make sure that you select HTML code from the drop-down menu.
For more information on how to add a code block to your website, check out this article from Squarespace:
Adding Embed Code to Wix
To add embedded checkout using Wix, first go to 'Settings' in your site's dashboard. Click the 'Custom Code' tab in the Advanced section then select '+ Add Custom Code' at the top right. Paste the VenuePilot embed code into the text field.
For more information on how to add a code block to your website, check out this article from Wix:
Adding Embed Code to WordPress
To add embedded checkout using WordPress you will need to add a Custom HTML Block. To add a Custom HTML block, click on the + Block Inserter icon and search for it, or type /html on a new line and hit enter.
For more information on how to add a code block to your website, check out this article from WordPress: