Create a Password Protected Presale

VenuePilots' password-protected presales allows fans to access an early ticket sale through a unique shareable link.

Create a Presale

  • To create a presale for your event, go to the "Events" dashboard and click the specific event where you want to create your presale.

  • Select the “+” symbol in the presales section of your event dashboard. 

🔍Quick Tip: The fastest way to find the term "Presale"?  Simply press CTRL + F on your keyboard to open a search box.

  • Name the Presale (which will be visible in the URL!)
  • Password Protect your Presale - or if you wish for the presale link to be open to the public, leave this blank
    • Note that passwords are case-sensitive❗
    • Check whether or not you want to show the Start Date of this Presale information on your event page
    • Select which tickets are a part of this Presale
    • Select on the calendar the Start / End Date and Time of your Presale
      • If you don't select a start or end time here, then the start/end time will match that of the tickets selected for the presale.
    • Make sure to hit SAVE in the top right hand corner before navigating away!

  • Upon saving your Presale, you will now see it listed where you can copy & share the link
  • Now listed inside of your Presales section you will see the: Name, Link, Password, Start Time, End Time and ✏️Pencil icon for further edits of your Presale.
  • Once sales begin, you will see the number of tickets sold here as well.
  • In the top right, you can access a Shareable Report on this presale that can be shared with your partners and revisited again & again for their counts. 



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