Add discounts in $ or % to your tickets at the event or organization level.
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Create a Discount Code on the Event Level
- To create a discount code for your event, go to the "Events" dashboard and click the specific event where you want to apply the discount.
- Scroll down to DISCOUNTS at the bottom of the page and click the “+” symbol.
🔍Quick Tip: To quickly locate the
discounts section on the page, press Ctrl + F on your keyboard and type "discounts" in the search bar.
- Name your code: Name your discount code something patrons will remember easily (ex: TAKEFIVE).
- Set the discount amount: You can set the discount in a dollar amount of a percentage (ex: $5, 5%).
- *Set your discount limits: Adjust whether the code can be used a set # of times vs. unlimited.
- Set your date parameters: If your promotion is only running for a limited time, you can set an end date for the discount code to no longer be valid.
- CLICK SAVE in the top right-hand corner.
*NOTE: The discount limit is based on the number of orders, not the quantity of tickets. For instance, if you set this limit to 3, it means that a maximum of 3 customers can use the discount, rather than restricting it to just 3 tickets per order.
Apply your Discount Code
- Now that you have created a discount code, the final step is to let the system know which tickets are valid to receive this discount.
- Return to the tickets portion of your event.
- Click the pencil icon to modify the ticket to which you wish to apply your discount code.
- Within the ticket type settings, navigate to the Discounts section and check the box to activate your newly created discount code.
- CLICK SAVE in the top right-hand corner.
Create a Discount Code on the ORG Level
NOTE: Org level discounts are discounts universal to your entire organization, allowing you to create one discount code that can be applied to all events. To start, please reach out to our support team at or through our chatbot to request that this feature is turned on for your company.
- After your organization has been configured to enable ORG-wide discounts, you will see the "Org Discounts" option located within the Settings menu.
- This will bring you to the discount page. To add a new discount, click on the '+' plus button:
From here you can choose:
- Type of discount: Standard is the default, JoinIt is specific to a 3rd party integration tool.
- Name your code: Name your discount code something patrons will remember easily (ex: TAKEFIVE).
- Set the discount amount: You can set the discount in a dollar amount of a percentage (ex: $5, 5%).
- *Set your Max Uses per Event: Adjust whether the code can be used a set # of times vs. unlimited.
- Set the discount to Expire X Days Before Event (you can use 0!)
- Chose if you want to:
- Add to Event on Confirmation
- which will apply the discount to all events but not apply to any tickets
- which will apply the discount to all events but not apply to any tickets
- Assign to All Tickets on Event Confirmation
- which will apply the discount to all events and all tickets. Note that the discount will only appear after the event is confirmed.
- Add to Event on Confirmation
- Click on "Save" to successfully create and apply your new discount.
- If you wish to apply the discount to already existing events, click into the "Manage Events" button next to the discount code, where you can apply to all available events, apply to all available events and tickets, or select only certain events or tickets.
*NOTE: The discount limit is based on the number of orders, not the quantity of tickets. For instance, if you set this limit to 3, it means that a maximum of 3 customers can use the discount, rather than restricting it to just 3 tickets per order.
🆘Still need help? Reach out to us @